Industrial Safety Management System

The company has developed and introduced the Industrial Safety Management System which sets out the key areas and requirements to the industrial safety management as well as the objects, tasks, and structure of the company industrial safety management system.

The industrial safety management system is developed and used to prevent and manage accidents at the hazardous production facilities. One of the key elements of the industrial safety management system at the hazardous production facilities is in-process control implemented through a package of actions aimed at the safe operation of and prevention of accidents at the hazardous production facilities as well as containment of accidents and consequences thereof.

The major objects of the industrial safety management system are the following:

  • Implementation of the company policy in the sphere of industrial safety of the hazardous production facilities;
  • Performance of the requirements to industrial safety of the hazardous production facilities of KAZRIVERSTONE ENERGY LTD.

The primary tasks of the industrial safety management system are the following:

  • Unified approaches to the performance by the organizational units of the requirements to the industrial safety of the hazardous production facilities;
  • Development and implementation of the technical, organizational and economic policy for the purpose of steady improvement of the product reliability and safety and compliance with the regulatory and environmental requirements;
  • Performance of the requirements of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” with regard to obtaining of licenses, development of the declarations of the industrial safety of the hazardous production facilities, industrial safety evaluation management, etc.;
  • Supervision of operation and maintenance of the equipment of the hazardous production facilities, control of development and implementation of accident-preventive measures;
  • Staffing of the hazardous production facility with the qualified specialists who have no medical contradiction to the work at hazardous production facilities;
  • Industrial safety training and certification of the company personnel;
  • In-process monitoring of compliance with the industrial safety requirements in the company organizational units;
  • Signing a contract of insurance of the hazardous facility owner’s civil liability to cover the harm done by the accident at the hazardous facility.